Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wed. June 15th: Made it to Alaska

The day started with the fire alarm going off a little after 5AM. There was not a fire but it ruined a night's sleep.  Early into our drive, a big bear crossed the road in front of us.  Farther on down the road, we saw another bear. This one was smaller but as he meandered across the road, he was looking at us as if to say What are you doing on my road?  After that, the roads went from good to bad to worse. There were unpaved sections, sections that were buckled up, & lots of potholes.It was that way the rest of the way to the Alaska border.   Top speed was 30MPH.  We had a late lunch at Buckshot Betty's  It took a few tries to find something to eat because the restaurant was out of a lot of things & their supply truck was still 4 hours away. We continued through the US customs without a problem.

When we got on the Alaska portion of highway, the road was great. The miles driven today were: 320. Total mileage to date: 4,802. Tonight we are in Tok. Tomorrow, we head for Fairbanks & North Pole, AK.  Jim says that he is taking Santa home. Santa says that he is going to check on the elves.


  1. Hey Guys & Gals - We have a fellow customer in North Pole Alaska. His name is John Newman, him and his club members would love to meet up with you guys, give us a call and I will give you his number. Otherwise we will try and call you guys later on. - Your Friends @ Mikes.

  2. Congratulations on making it to the Alaskan Frontier and accomplishing a Model A milestone! At this point you have already reached a goal that many Model A enthusiasts only dream about - now on to the Arctic Circle! Good luck! (You're going to need it!)
